
Whether you are sharing a true story or a work of fiction, being in the same narrative space as others through storytelling connects everyone involved. A good story can transport you to a place that is not your own or show you that you are not alone.
We have partnered with the Cochranville Little Free Library to supply reading material and expertise in storytelling to a lovely spot under one of our oak trees. All are welcome to listen to stories being told or tell their own, from a book, memory, or imagination.
Below are descriptions of the facilitators for this activity:
Paul LeVasseur is a new resident of StellaLou farm. He currently works as a technical writer and has a background in teaching writing to college students. He is a huge fan of make-believe and is the StellaLou Farm family's favorite storyteller as he makes each story into a performance with voices and enthusiasm!
Little Free Library: Cochranville is a wonderful community resource for books of all kinds. The owners and staff of the library will be bringing with them a love of stories, interest in your stories, an assortment of free books, and the most lovely storytelling throne! The people of LFL19330 are engaging, brilliant, and down to earth.
If you would like to listen to some storytelling, meet us under the oak tree by the vegetable garden. Blankets and benches are available for seating, but feel free to bring your own if you prefer.
We are no longer in need of more facilitators to lead this activity. If you would like to help encourage others to tell stories, we would love for you to let facilitators know on the day of the event so they can use your expertise!
Please email if you have any questions or concerns!
Read from a provided book, one you have brought, or from you memory/ imagination. We encourage both facilitators and participants of the event to share stories that are appropriate for all ages and that includes everyone.