
Dance with family, friends, neighbors, or strangers. Swing dance lessons will be available, music will be playing, and the barn will be open for dancing feet and summertime air.
Dancing is not only a lovely mode of self expression, but also a fun interactive experience to share—no materials or tools required. When dance is done in collaboration with others, the movements are bigger than an individual can achieve alone. We have chosen swing dancing because many of the movements require the push and pull a partner gives. While there are distinct steps that can and will be taught, there is also plenty of room for creativity and self expression.
Facilitators will be available at this activity to teach participants swing dancing. All are welcome, whether you are brand new to this style of dance or come with knowledge to contribute. There will music to inspire the movement and draw folks to the open barn to join in!
Below are descriptions of the facilitators for this activity:
Eric Allard is a friend of StellaLou Farm and a current resident of Baltimore. He fits the description of facilitator for most of the creative activities being offered at this event as an active violinist and an elementary school visual arts educator. For this event he will be lending us his knowledge and passion of swing dancing! Combined with his mastery in teaching, he will be the perfect person to make you fall in love with this style of dance and make you feel comfortable getting started.
Cassandra Germano attended the Maryland Institute College of Art with her dance facilitator partner, Eric, and StellaLou resident, Hannah. Cassandra will be travelling from North Carolina to dance with you! Her energy is contagious; even the most timid will find their feet moving. Cassandra is a real Renaissance woman. In addition to teaching swing dancing, she has incredible skill in painting, sculpting, and fiber arts.
If you would like to participate in the dancing all you have to do is show up. There will be opportunity for you to join in with your own dance moves as well as learning swing dancing from the facilitators.
We are no longer in need of more facilitators to lead this activity. If you would like to help beginners learn to swing dance, we would love for you to let facilitators know on the day of the event so they can use your expertise!
Please email stellaloufarm@gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns!