
Music happens in nature, and it can happen in you too! Whether it is the sounds of the birds that inspire you or your neighbors. Experimenting with sound, whether it be with your voice, hands, or instrument, and how the sounds you make coordinate with those of your collaborators is a beautiful practice in listening to those around you.
Facilitators of this activity will be waiting for you by the honey house and the oak tree in front of it, and will welcome you in with music! Music made with your voice or instruments (professional, homemade, and even pots and pans) are encouraged. Facilitators are available to assist you with instruments, rhythm, and confidence as you find your role in the jam session.
Below are descriptions of the facilitators for this activity:
Deborah "Spice" Kleinmann is a new friend of StellaLou Farm through our School of Living network. Spice works and lives in the Baltimore, MD area, bringing music education and education through music to children and teachers. Working frequently with children in library and camp settings, Spice is a professional at including all in the magic of music! Learn more about this artist and educator here.
If you would like to participate in making music at the fire pit jam session, simply show up with open ears. It is ok to begin by just listening or pick up an instrument if the music moves you!
We are looking for ONE to TWO more facilitators to lead this activity on the day of the event. Facilitators must be knowledgeable about musical arts, including playing instruments, and be enthusiastic about finding ways to include all participants at varying degrees of individual comfort levels, knowledge, and interest. Facilitators will work in collaboration with organizers at StellaLou Farm prior to the event. Learn more HERE.
Please email to share your interest and strengths with us.
If you have an instrument or an object that could be played as an instrument that you would like to lend to the musical dreams of Better Together, please bring it the day of or arrange a time via email with StellaLou to drop it off ahead of time. Note that if you lend an instrument, it will be looked after by our facilitators, however, beginner musicians may try it out.