
Painting is a communication tool, an outlet for creative energy, and can be a whole lot of fun. Individually, one can say a great deal about themselves and/or engage in healing exploration of the material. In a collaborative community painting such as this, the end result will show our diversity and be a visual reminder of a lovely day together.
As a part of our homestead renovations we have added a small duck pond. For the first time, we are welcoming ducklings! We have repurposed a discontinued chicken trailer for their abode and have primed the outside in preparation for this activity. All are welcome to add their creative touch to this collaboration through the use of paint. Facilitators will be present to help you get started.
Below are descriptions of the facilitators for this activity:
Hannah LeVasseur is a new resident of StellaLou farm. She spent seven years teaching visual arts to students in preK through high school. She is currently using her creative energies and skills to bring new life to the old farm house at StellaLou and to help the farm reach its educational, sustainable, and aesthetic potential.
If you would like to participate in painting the duck house all you have to do is show up. Materials will be available for your use, and the land and community available for your inspiration!
We are looking for ONE to TWO MORE facilitators to lead this activity on the day of the event. Facilitators must be knowledgeable about visual arts, have the skills required to teach it, and be enthusiastic about finding ways to include all participants at varying degrees of individual comfort levels, knowledge, and interest. Facilitators will work in collaboration with organizers at StellaLou Farm prior to the event. Learn more HERE.
Please email to share your interest and strengths with us.
We have been given a generous donation of paints for this activity, however, we are still in need of paintbrushes. We are interested in large to medium sized brushes. Used brushes welcome!